Mother/Daughter Rituals

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A silver lining to the awful situation we find ourselves in over the next few weeks is the opportunity to spend some quality time with our loved ones. For those of us lucky enough to be at home with our mothers or daughters, now is a perfect time to bond over various activities that we wouldn’t ordinarily have time for. We caught up with some of our ANNA girls to see what they are getting up to with their mother or daughter whilst self-isolating...

Rachael and Luisa, Woodbridge
Mother/daughter duo from our Woodbridge store have been taking this time self-isolating to make various spaghettis and pastas - being from an Italian heritage it seems it is a skill that comes easy to them; and a useful skill at that!

Emma, Primrose Hill
Emma managed to slip away to her hometown in Hull before the lockdown, with her two dogs in tow! Her daily dosage of outdoors means her and her mother, Shirley, can take a nice long stroll to East Park which has loads of greenery and a lake.

Juliette, Primrose Hill
Juliette from our Primrose Hill store is staying in her house in Dorchester with her family. Getting her daily hour of exercise with her daughter, Alice, they’ve been going on lovely country walks. Other activities include nail painting, face masks and baking scones!

Christina, Burnham Market
Christina, our manager of the Burnham Market store, with her daughter Emily who is a fitness instructor so naturally spends all her time motivating her family to exercise! Back in January they both went to the Food For Thought Festival run by @rhitrition and did a yoga class with Cat Meffan. They’ve now included her YouTube yoga classes into their daily routine which is something that they can learn together, having previously not had the time to dedicate to it.

They have also spent a lot of time cooking which is something they do a lot of anyway, they’ve even begun to write a recipe book of family favourites for Christina’s younger daughter Lily who will be starting uni in September.

Jade, Primrose Hill
I myself was lucky enough to slip away to my hometown in Norfolk before the lockdown, to stay with my parents and siblings. Before the outbreak of Coronavirus and the subsequent travel restrictions, my mother, sister and I had plans to travel to New Delhi, to see the Taj Mahal in Agra then continue traveling for a couple of weeks around Rajasthan. Unfortunately this adventure has to be postponed but it hasn’t stopped us from deepening our knowledge of the area for when we do eventually get to take our trip!

Jade Brock